7 Tips to Live Healthier
Whether you want to lose weight, get healthier or just feel better money.morningdispatcher, there are some
small changes you can make that will have big results.
Eat more vegetables
Getting enough fruits and veggies is key to being healthy. Studies show that eating
a diet rich in vegetables can help reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and
diabetes. Try to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day, which
includes raw, cooked or stir-fried foods.
Health Tips For Women in Their 40s
Drink more water
Being dehydrated can have negative effects on your health. To help you stay
hydrated, it’s best to drink at least 64 ounces of water per day.
Practice meditation
Practicing mediation can improve your mood, reduce stress and lower blood
pressure. You can do this by listening to music, reading or even doing simple tasks
that quiet the mind.
Set goals
When it comes to achieving your healthy lifestyle, setting goals will give you
something to work towards and keep you motivated to make the necessary changes.
It’s also a great way to track your progress and see how far you have come.
Stop smoking
Smoking can have serious long-term health effects including lung cancer, stroke and
heart disease. If you are a smoker, it is important to find a smoke-free environment
for yourself and your family.
Avoid passive smoking
Second-hand cigarette smoke (from a smoker who is sitting nearby) has the same
damaging health effects as direct smoking. To minimize the exposure, try to avoid
areas with smokers or use an air-purifier when you can.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator
10 healthy habits to put in place by age 40 | Ohio State Medical Center
Taking the stairs is a simple and easy way to increase your exercise each day. It’s
also an easy way to count your steps and can help you achieve your daily goal of
150 minutes.
Do more activities that you enjoy
Having a hobby or side interest can really benefit your health. It can give you a
healthy outlet for your free time, and it may even help advance a skill or bring you
closer to your loved ones.
Technology has become an essential part of many people’s lives. While it can be
tempting to keep your laptop or phone right by your side, it’s often best to leave
them at home. This will help you give your eyes a break from screens, and you can
focus on other things that are more fulfilling.